25 July 2016

A Bit Pain and a Lot of Happiness

Hi.. back to my blog after three weeks off ^^V
I think I would stop my story about XXX n ZZZ because I'm not in mood at all. -__-
--please understand me--
Let's talk another matter. Umm..I want to tell about my plan to go to college next month. Yes, this is true and I'm going to keep studying there for 4 years (I hope it can be shorter), and the second thing what I must keep to do is: smiling :) I was born 22nd years ago and please stop to counting my ages while I finish my study. There's a lil bit regret when I decided to leave my psy study in 2013. But, my study must go on. Pausing, it means there are times to continuing. My supermom always reminds me which there's no too late for studying. In my deepest wish, I would be very happy if I can continue my psy study, but I have to choose.  I have to consider. I have to read my surrounds. I will not at that classroom, studying what I like to do. A bit pain.
Allah always has something to keep me (us) smile. Keep praying is the best way, but not everything you beg will be yours. Allah knows what's the best for us. Not all we begged for, but what's the best for us. *tearing off*

09 July 2016

[Chapter 2] XXX and ZZZ

Hi...back right after Eid and holiday :)

ZZZ isn't ever on my mind, very little informations about him. I don't know, I love to go out with XXX and I love my very first night trip with ZZZ.  Both of them are so nice. But, the matter was: I had to answered ZZZ's question. And at the end, I decided to be his girlfriend. I never told XXX about this, I let him to knew it all by himself. ZZZ changed his relationship status, and it appeared on my timeline. And it means, XXX would knew it soon. I knew XXX saw it, but he was still the cool one. He still like I love to know, told his story, commented on my photos, joked on me, and many more. He wasn't ever change! -and it proved until now.
