30 June 2016


This is a story about XXX and ZZZ.
At the first, I tell you that being a friend with XXX is not as easy as I think. So -too much matter -and also problems we had walked and done. He is just my friend, I bold it. But till our meets-up are got more intense and intense, being his friend was not enough anymore %#$(*!!?

He's fuckin impressive -I love this and he often told -and begged me not to left him (he ever dreamed I get married with someone and decided to live in Padang!) such terrible dream :D
AFAIK, not to left him has 2 means: I would stray or I was the sp*cial one. I am a strayer-talented anyway :|

I love when he joked at me -sometimes it was not funny :P and vice versa.

One day, I met with ZZZ -with a strange appearance :/ at my work. I didn't even think I would had a big anxiety about him until I found such horrifying facts about what he had to do. My partner at work told me that he talked about me -too much. He was changed into the curious one, she continued. Until one day, he had my contact, texted me, and I replied on. Gettin intense like my story with XXX, he's as pleasant as XXX. They have differences each other, but I love their jokes, pleasant, and sooo much sameness of them I can't mention.

Like the water, flow, and also my days. I row myself, someday I was faced into two hard choices. To be ZZZ's girlfriend or to be XXX's closest friend (XXX didn't openly ask me if I wanna be his girlfriend or not). I didn't answered it all for days. Very s*cks condition.

I'll be back later guys....

25 June 2016

Curhat Malam Sabtu :P

Hari ini just so-so aja sih..nothing special, except ketemu my lovely :) Lho kenapa setiap hari ketemu but I always say it special?? it means: I love to spend my times with him :* I'm happy belong to him -not all day long- but half of my evening hihihiii ;)

Hari ini nyobain udang cebanan yang menurutku, rasanya kayak kalimat pertama postingan ini: just so-so :/ masih lebih yummy udang2 kecil..tapi tetep aja sih I took-chewed-swallowed semuanya :P eh gak deng tetep bagi dua sama ayang :)

22 June 2016

Happy Birthday for you, Jakarta!

Jakarta past and present
Jakarta: past and present
Some people call it 'Jekardah', a word created by Jakarta's teens -_- Heard so weird, yeah??
Jakarta, my hometown, a place with tons of story..a city with millions of people, hundreds of culture: blend into Jakarta's blood.

Four hundred and eighty nine years running and becomes a colorful city, which always been a beyond-dream city for em: the villagers. ^^

We all forced to loved its jam -almost everyday, but Jakarta -will- always left beautiful memories for us..

Ref : www.hipwee.com/hiburan/38-foto-transformasi-jakarta/

17 June 2016

First, but not the 1st?

Hi ...!! Very nice to see you all..
I don't remember how many blog(s) I have made b4 this. I think, it is the fifth or the sixth .. but I hope this blog can be my last blog hi hi hi (I don't even make it sure ;P) and that's why I titled this post 'First, but not the first ^^?' becauuuuse this is the first on this blog, but the (.......)th on my written list :D

I made so many blogs (and then I deleted at the end-_-) because sometimes writing is enjoying! Sometimes, I bold it cause ummmhh this passion can disappear whenever it wants ?%$&#@!!?

I wrote, published it, leave it for months and when I come back, I throwed them all away.But, it was just my past, I hope (and believe) I could keep this blog stay awake :)